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Intervention with patients who have had a traumatic experience in a health care setting is crucial not only to prevent long-term psychological issues, but also to help patients reduce anxiety when seeking medical help in the future. This groundbreaking book is the first to conceptualize medical trauma and provide mental health and health care professionals with best practices for treating such trauma in health care settings. It delivers in-depth systems-level strategies for supporting patients and their families who experience distress in the medical setting or as a result of life-threatening or life-altering diagnoses and procedures, and describes innovative models for integrating mental health professionals into current health care teams.
Written for both mental health and health care leaders and professionals, the book reflects the growing trend toward interprofessional practice and training in health care, as well as the growth of patient-centered and person-centered care. It reflects the mandate of the PPACA for availability and integration of mental health services into health care and includes models for addressing trauma based on maternal health protocols from the Council on Patient Safety in Women's Health Care. Plentiful case studies demonstrate the effects of medical trauma and how intervention models can provide a positive outcome. Useful assessment tools, also available as electronic downloadable files, are included to help professionals recognize and evaluate medical trauma in patients.
Scott E. Hall, PhD, LPCC-S, is associate professor, Counselor Education, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, and a partner at Hawthorne Integrative, LLC, a health care consulting and clinical counseling firm. He has written on the topics of medical trauma and integrative health care and collaborates with health-related programs at the University of Dayton to develop wellness initiatives. His work has been published in ACA Vistas, ADULTSPAN Journal, Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, and American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care. Dr. Hall has taught and created a wide range of courses at the University of Dayton, including all foundational courses in the mental health counseling program and specialized courses such as Counseling Men, Alternative Therapies, and Positive Psychotherapy. In his clinical practice, Dr. Hall counsels adults with depression, anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and divorce-related concerns. In addition to his clinical experience working with medical trauma, he has also presented at national, state, and local professional conferences about PTSD-related topics in addition to medical trauma. He has also spoken about the mental and emotional impacts of a cancer diagnosis at the Cancer Support Community of Southwestern Ohio. Dr. Hall is a Certified Master Trainer in TeamSTEPPS and has received training in mindfulness-based stress reduction from faculty at the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine. He is a veteran of the United States Army.
Hall, Michelle Flaum: -Michelle Flaum Hall, EdD, LPCC-S, is associate professor, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, and a partner at Hawthorne Integrative, LLC, a health care consulting and clinical counseling firm. Her scholarship about medical trauma and integrated health care has been published in such journals as Nursing for Women's Health, ACA Vistas, and Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice. Dr. Hall has presented on the topic of medical trauma at local, state, and national clinical counseling conferences including the American Counseling Association Annual Convention; to students in advanced clinical mental health counseling courses; and to cancer survivors and their families. She has consulted with the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative in the development of a national Postpartum Hemorrhage Toolkit, and has authored a tool to help medical professionals recognize the signs of acute stress disorder in the hospital setting. Dr. Hall currently participates in a work group for the national Council on Patient Safety in Women's Health Care to develop a safety toolkit focused on patient, family, and provider supports following a severe maternal event. Her clinical experience includes working with adults struggling with depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and other anxiety-related disorders. Over the years, she has worked with numerous clients with complex reactions to life-threatening or life-altering medical diagnoses and procedures. Additionally, Dr. Hall works with seven health-related fields (especially nursing) across Xavier University to develop innovative interprofessional education experiences for future health care workers. She participated in IPEC (Interprofessional Education Collaborative), which is led by six health care associations including the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and the Association of American Medical Colleges. She is a Certified Master Trainer in TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety), an interprofessional, evidence-based communication training curriculum developed by the U.S. Department of Defense and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and has received training in mindfulness-based stress reduction from faculty at the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine.
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