Showing 2001 - 2100 of 6200 result

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Global Englishes: A Resource Book for Students by Jenkins, Jennifer
Global Environmental Politics: Concepts, Theories and Case Studies by Kütting, Gabriela
Global Forest Carbon: Policy, Economics and Finance by Yin, Runsheng
Global Governance Futures by Weiss, Thomas G.
Global Jazz: A Research and Information Guide by Henry, Clarence Bernard
Global Journalism in Comparative Perspective: Case Studies by Chattopadhyay, Dhiman
Global Leadership: A Transnational Perspective by Perruci, Gama
Global LGBTQ Activism: Social Media, Digital Technologies, and Protest Mechanisms by Pain, Paromita
Global Literary Theory: An Anthology by Lane, Richard J.
Global Mental Health Training and Practice: An Introductory Framework by Acharya, Bibhav
Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice by Cohn, Theodore H.
Global Trade, Labour Rights and International Law: A Multilevel Approach by Tyc, Aneta
Globalization and its Terrors by Brennan, Teresa
God And Evil: An Introduction To The Issues by Peterson, Michael L.
God in Postliberal Perspective: Between Realism and Non-Realism by Cathey, Robert Andrew
God of the Machine by Paterson, Isabel
Godel's Proof by Nagel, Ernest
Goethe, Kant, and Hegel: Discovering the Mind by Kaufmann, Walter
Going Global in the World Language Classroom: Ideas, Strategies, and Resources for Teaching and Learning With the World by Austin, Erin E. H.
Goldratt's Rules of Flow by Goldratt-Ashlag, Efrat
Golosa: Student Workbook, Book One by Robin, Richard
Gómez-Peña Unplugged: Texts on Live Art, Social Practice and Imaginary Activism (2008-2020) by Gómez-Peña, Guillermo
Gothic by Botting, Fred
Governance and Policy in Sport Organizations by Hums, Mary A.
Governance and Policy in Sport Organizations by Hums, Mary A.
Government and Political Trust: The Quest for Positive Public Administration by Duncan, Grant
Government and Political Trust: The Quest for Positive Public Administration by Duncan, Grant
Grading for Growth: A Guide to Alternative Grading Practices that Promote Authentic Learning and Student Engagement in Higher Education by Clark, David
Graf von Anderson's College German Grammar and Culture by Anderson, Christian
Soldout Gramática española: Variación social by Potowski, Kim
Gramática fundamental del español by Moreno-Fernández, Francisco
Grammar and Style Choices for College Writers by Griswold, Olga
Grammar Matters: Lessons, Tips, & Conversations Using Mentor Texts, K-6 by Dorfman, Lynne
Soldout Grammar of the Edit by Bowen, Christopher J.
Grammar of the Edit by Bowen, Christopher
Grammar of the Shot by Bowen, Christopher
Grammar to Get Things Done: A Practical Guide for Teachers Anchored in Real-World Usage by Crovitz, Darren
Grandparents Cry Twice: Help for Bereaved Grandparents by Reed, Mary Lou
Soldout Graphic Design for Architects: A Manual for Visual Communication by Lewis, Karen
Grasping the World: The Idea of the Museum by Preziosi, Donald
Gravity and Grace by Weil, Simone
Great Power Cyber Competition: Competing and Winning in the Information Environment by Gioe, David V.
Greek Myth and the Bible by Louden, Bruce
Greek Science of the Hellenistic Era: A Sourcebook by Irby-Massie, Georgia L.
Greek: A Comprehensive Grammar of the Modern Language by Holton, David
Gregory of Nazianzus by Daley, Brian
Grenada: Revolution and Invasion by Payne, Anthony
Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bridging Research and Practice by Neimeyer, Robert A.
Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bridging Research and Practice by Neimeyer, Robert A.
Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy: A Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner, Fourth Edition by Worden, J. William
Grieving Beyond Gender: Understanding Diverse Grieving Styles by Doka, Kenneth J.
Grit in the Classroom: Building Perseverance for Excellence in Today's Students by Sanguras, Laila
Ground Control: A Design History of Technical Lands and Nasa's Space Complex by Nesbit, Jeffrey S.
Grounding Religion: A Field Guide to the Study of Religion and Ecology by Bauman, Whitney A.
Group and Team Coaching: The secret life of groups by Thornton, Christine
Group Art Therapy: Practice and Research by Robb, Megan A.
Group Work in Schools by Erford, Bradley T.
Group Work: Processes and Applications, 2nd Edition by Erford, Bradley T.
Groups in Transactional Analysis, Object Relations, and Family Systems: Studying Ourselves in Collective Life by Landaiche III, N. Michel
Growing Children's Social and Emotional Skills: Using the TOGETHER Programme by Phillips, Joanna Grace
Growing Up with Two Languages: A Practical Guide for Multilingual Families and Those Who Support Them by Cunningham, Una
Gu?a pr?ctica de pragm?tica del espa?ol by Placencia, Mar?a Elena
Guerrilla Warfare: A Historical and Critical Study by Laqueur, Walter
Guide to Digital Accessibility: Policies, Practices, and Professional Development by Mancilla, Rae
Guidebook to Academic Writing: Communicating in the Disciplines by Paraskevas, Cornelia C.
Guided Math in Action: Building Each Student's Mathematical Proficiency with Small-Group Instruction by Newton, Nicki
Guiding Kids Through the Tough Moments: Techniques to Build a Space Where Children Can Thrive by Le Messurier, Mark
Guilhermina Suggia: Cellist by Mercier, Anita
Guilt: A Contemporary Introduction by Carveth, Donald L.
Gyeongju: The Capital of Golden Silla by Nelson, Sarah Milledge
Habitats Local and Far Away, Grade 1: STEM Road Map for Elementary School by Johnson, Carla C.
Haiti: Best Nightmare on Earth by Gold, Herbert
Half in Love with Death: Managing the Chronically Suicidal Patient by Paris, Joel
Half in Love with Death: Managing the Chronically Suicidal Patient by Paris, Joel
Halliday's Introduction to Functional Grammar by Halliday, Michael
Hamlet on the Couch: What Shakespeare Taught Freud by Groves, James E.
Handbook for Classical Research by Schaps, David M.
Handbook for Social Work Writing by Mason, Susan E.
Handbook of Autoethnography by Adams, Tony E.
Handbook of Children's Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives by Ruck, Martin D.
Handbook of Clinical Sexuality for Mental Health Professionals by Levine, Stephen B.
Handbook of Coaching Psychology: A Guide for Practitioners by Palmer, Stephen
Handbook of Cognitive-Behavior Group Therapy with Children and Adolescents: Specific Settings and Presenting Problems by Christner, Ray W.
Handbook of Communication and People With Disabilities: Research and Application by Braithwaite, Dawn O.
Handbook of Diagnosis and Treatment of DSM-5 Personality Disorders: Assessment, Case Conceptualization, and Treatment, Third Edition by Sperry, Len
Handbook of Forgiveness by Worthington, Everett L., Jr.
Handbook of Geophysics and Archaeology by Witten, Alanjoel
Handbook of Health Psychology by Revenson, Tracey A.
Handbook of Landscape Archaeology by David, Bruno
Handbook of Leadership and Administration for Special Education by Crockett, Jean B.
Handbook of LGBTQ-Affirmative Couple and Family Therapy by Harvey, Rebecca
Handbook of Moral and Character Education by Nucci, Larry
Handbook of Posttraumatic Stress: Psychosocial, Cultural, and Biological Perspectives by Ricciardelli, Rosemary
Handbook of Qualitative Organizational Research: Innovative Pathways and Methods by Elsbach, Kimberly D.
Handbook of Research on Science Education, Volume II by Lederman, Norman G.
Handbook of Research on STEM Education by Johnson, Carla C.
Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts by Fisher, Douglas
Handbook of Social Justice in Loss and Grief: Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by Harris, Darcy L.
Soldout Handbook of Special Education by Kauffman, James M.
Handbook of Victims and Victimology by Walklate, Sandra