Showing 1601 - 1700 of 6200 result

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Encounters with Materials in Early Childhood Education by Pacini-Ketchabaw, Veronica
Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature by Meisami, Julie Scott
Encyclopedia of Counseling: Master Review and Tutorial for the National Counselor Examination, State Counseling Exams, and the Counselor Preparati by Rosenthal, Howard
Encyclopedia of Early Cinema by Abel, Richard
Ends and Means: An Inquiry into the Nature of Ideals by Huxley, Aldous
Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type: The reservoir of consciousness by Beebe, John
Engaging Donna Haraway: Lives in the Natureculture Web by Huff, Cynthia
Engaging Employees Through Strategic Communication: Skills, Strategies, and Tactics by Dollins, Mark
Engaging Families in Schools: Practical strategies to improve parental involvement by Morgan, Nicola S.
Engaging in Narrative Inquiry by Clandinin, D. Jean
Engaging the Families of ELs and Immigrants: Ideas, Resources, and Activities by Rubin, Renee
Engaging Youth in Critical Arts Pedagogies and Creative Research for Social Justice: Opportunities and Challenges of Arts-based Work and Research with by Goessling, Kristen P.
Engendering Development: Capitalism and Inequality in the Global Economy by Trauger, Amy
Engineering Economics for Aviation and Aerospace by Vasigh, Bijan
Engineering Psychology and Human Performance by Wickens, Christopher D.
England's Colonial Wars 1550-1688: Conflicts, Empire and National Identity by Lenman, Bruce
English for Journalists: Thirtieth Anniversary Edition by Hicks, Wynford
English L2 Vocabulary Learning and Teaching: Concepts, Principles, and Pedagogy by Zwier, Lawrence J.
English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice by Carley, Paul
English Teaching in the Secondary School: Linking theory and practice by Fleming, Mike
English with an Accent: Language, Ideology, and Discrimination in the United States by Barrett, Rusty
English with an Accent: Language, Ideology, and Discrimination in the United States by Barrett, Rusty
English-Lakota Dictionary by Ingham, Bruce
English-Swahili Swahili-English Immersive Dictionary by Mpiranya, Fidèle
English: An Essential Grammar by Nelson, Gerald
Enhancing Digital Literacies with Adult English Language Learners: Theoretical and Practical Insights by Tour, Ekaterina
Enhancing Inclusive Instruction: Student Perspectives and Practical Approaches for Advancing Equity in Higher Education by Addy, Tracie Marcella
Enhancing Inclusive Instruction: Student Perspectives and Practical Approaches for Advancing Equity in Higher Education by Addy, Tracie Marcella
Enhancing Learning through Play: A developmental perspective for early years settings by MacIntyre, Christine
Enjoy Your Symptom!: Jacques Lacan in Hollywood and Out by Zizek, Slavoj
Enlightenment's Wake: Politics and Culture at the Close of the Modern Age by Gray, John
Enlivening Instruction with Drama and Improv: A Guide for Second Language and World Language Teachers by Cahnmann-Taylor, Melisa
Enrichment Activities for Gifted Students: Extracurricular Academic Activities for Gifted Education by Stanley, Todd
Ensemble Theatre Making: A Practical Guide by Burnett Bonczek, Rose
Entangled Histories in Palestine/Israel: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives by Hirsch, Dafna
Entertainment Rigging for the 21st Century: Compilation of Work on Rigging Practices, Safety, and Related Topics by Sapsis, Bill
Entrepreneurial Innovation in the International Business of Tourism by Jerez-Jerez, Mar?a Jes?s
Entrepreneurship in Creative Crafts by Ratten, Vanessa
Environmental and Architectural Psychology: The Basics by Donald, Ian
Environmental Criminology: Evolution, Theory, and Practice by Andresen, Martin A.
Environmental Culture: The Ecological Crisis of Reason by Plumwood, Val
Soldout Environmental Economics: The Essentials by Tietenberg, Tom
Environmental Governance by Evans, James
Environmental Justice and Resiliency in an Age of Uncertainty by Murphy-Greene, Celeste
Environmental Justice: Key Issues by Coolsaet, Brendan
Epistemic Care: Vulnerability, Inquiry, and Social Epistemology by Johnson, Casey Rebecca
Epistemic Dilemmas: New Arguments, New Angles by McCain, Kevin
Epistemic Injustice and the Philosophy of Recognition by Giladi, Paul
Epistemics and Economics: A Critique of Economic Doctrines by Shackle, G. L. S.
Epistemologies of the South: Justice Against Epistemicide by Santos, Boaventura De Sousa
Epistemology: 50 Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments by McCain, Kevin
Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge by Audi, Robert
Equality Dancesport: Gender and Sexual Identities Matter by Wong, Yen Nee
Equatorial Guinea: Colonialism, State Terror, And The Search For Stability by Sundiata, Ibrahim K.
Equity, Exclusion and Everyday Science Learning: The Experiences of Minoritised Groups by Dawson, Emily
Equity-Centered Trauma-Informed Education by Venet, Alex Shevrin
Erich Fromm: A Contemporary Introduction by Buechler, Sandra
Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry Into Freud by Marcuse, Herbert
Erotic Geographies in Ancient Greek Literature and Culture by Gilhuly, Kate
Erotic Transference: A Contemporary Introduction by Celenza, Andrea
Erotically Queer: A Pink Therapy Guide for Practitioners by Neves, Silva
Escaping Utopia: Growing Up in a Cult, Getting Out, and Starting Over by Lalich, Janja
Esports and the Media: Challenges and Expectations in a Multi-Screen Society by Torres-Toukoumidis, Angel
Esports and the Media: Challenges and Expectations in a Multi-Screen Society by Torres-Toukoumidis, Angel
Esports in Higher Education: Fostering Successful Student-Athletes and Successful Programs by McClellan, George S.
Essays on Liberalism and the Economy by Hayek, F. a.
Essays on Otherness by LaPlanche, Jean
Essence and Energies: Being and Naming God in St Gregory Palamas by Pino, Tikhon
Essence and Energies: Being and Naming God in St Gregory Palamas by Pino, Tikhon
Essential French Grammar by D'Angelo, Casimir
Essential German Grammar by Durrell, Martin
Essential Grammar for Today's Writers, Students, and Teachers by Sullivan, Nancy M.
Essential Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: An Acquired Art by Quatman, Teri
Essential Resources for Mindfulness Teachers by Crane, Rebecca S.
Essential Truths for Principals by Steele, Danny
Essential Truths for Teachers by Steele, Danny
Essentials of Compassion Focused Therapy: A Practice Manual for Clinicians by Petrocchi, Nicola
Essentials of Consumer Behavior: An Applied Approach by Stephens, Debra L.
Soldout Essentials of Economics in Context by Goodwin, Neva
Essentials of Middle and Secondary Social Studies by Russell, William B., III
Essentials of Special Education: What Educators Need to Know by Lawless Frank, Catherine
Establishing a Yearlong Teacher Residency: A Roadmap for Transforming Educator Preparation by Sloan, Christopher J.
Establishing Family-School Partnerships in School Psychology: Critical Skills by Garbacz, S. Andrew
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind by Grau, Christopher
Ethical Artificial Intelligence from Popular to Cognitive Science: Trust in the Age of Entanglement by Schoenherr, Jordan Richard
Ethical Issues in Aviation by Hoppe, Elizabeth A.
Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education: Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Complex Dilemmas by Poliner Shapiro, Joan
Ethics and the Contemporary World by Edmonds, David
Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy by Williams, Bernard
Ethics for Behavior Analysts by Bailey, Jon S.
Ethics for Evaluation: Beyond
Ethics Goes to the Movies: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy by Falzon, Christopher
Ethics: Essential Readings in Moral Theory by Sher, George
Ethnography: Principles in Practice by Hammersley, Martyn
Europe on Trial: The Story of Collaboration, Resistance, and Retribution during World War II by Deak, Istvan
European Dictatorships 1918-1945 by Lee, Stephen J.
European Union Agencies as Global Actors: A Legal Study of the European Aviation Safety Agency, Frontex and Europol by Coman-Kund, Florin
European Union in the Global Context by Sweeney, Simon
Evacuee Encounters on the Soviet Home Front During the Second World War by Belsky, Natalie