Showing 3001 - 3100 of 6413 result

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Mathematics Teaching On Target: A Guide to Teaching for Robust Understanding at All Grade Levels by Schoenfeld, Alan
Mathematizing Your School: Creating a Culture for Math Success by Newton, Nicki
Maths Anxiety: Solving the Equation by Kirkland, Heidi
Mau Mau and the Kikuyu by Leakey, Louis
Mauritania's Colonels: Political Leadership, Civil-Military Relations and Democratization by N'Diaye, Boubacar
Maya Lin, Public Art, and the Confluence Project by Reynolds, Matthew
Mazarin: The Crisis of Absolutism in France by Treasure, Geoffrey
Meadows Of Gold by Masudi
Meaning and the English Verb by Leech, Geoffrey N.
Meaning: Semantics, Pragmatics, Cognition by Birner, Betty J.
Meaningful and Manageable Program Assessment: A How-To Guide for Higher Education Faculty by Massa, Laura J.
Meaningful Physical Education: An Approach for Teaching and Learning by Fletcher, Tim
Meaningless Suffering: Traumatic Marginalisation and Ethical Responsibility by Goodman, David
Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Exercise Science by Williams, Skip M.
Measuring and Improving Social Impacts: A Guide for Nonprofits, Companies and Impact Investors by Epstein, Marc J.
Measuring Good Business: Making Sense of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Data by Hardyment, Richard
Measuring the Impact of the Built Environment on Health, Wellbeing, and Performance: Techniques, Methods, and Implications for Design Research by Engineer, Altaf
Mechanical Design for the Stage by Hendrickson, Alan
Mechanical Engineering by Darbyshire, Alan
Mechanically Inclined: Building Grammar, Usage, and Style into Writer's Workshop by Anderson, Jeff
Media Criticism in a Digital Age: Professional And Consumer Considerations by Orlik, Peter B.
Media Culture: Cultural Studies, Identity, and Politics in the Contemporary Moment by Kellner, Douglas
Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning - International Student Edition by Christians, Clifford G.
Media Law and Ethics by Moore, Roy L.
Media Production: A Practical Guide to Radio, TV and Film by Willett, Amanda
Media Spectacle by Kellner, Douglas
Media Studies: The Basics by McDougall, Julian
MediaWriting: Print, Broadcast, Online, and Public Relations by Silverman, Deborah A.
Medical Sociology by Cockerham, William
Medieval Hagiography: An Anthology by Head, Thomas
Medieval Herbal Remedies: The Old English Herbarium and Early-Medieval Medicine by Van Arsdall, Anne
Medieval Liturgy: A Book of Essays by Larson-Miller, Lizette
Medieval Monasticism: Forms of Religious Life in Western Europe in the Middle Ages by Lawrence, C. H.
Medieval Monstrosity: Imagining the Monstrous in Medieval Europe by Urbanski, Charity
Medieval Muslim Philosophers and Intercultural Communication: Towards a Dialogical Paradigm in Education by Abdul-Jabbar, Wisam Kh
Memoirs of Race, Color, and Belonging by Stamant, Nicole
Memories That Matter: How We Remember Important Things by Madan, Christopher R.
Memory and the Brain: Using, Losing, and Improving by Aggleton, John P.
Men and Masculinities: Theoretical Foundations and Promising Practices for Supporting College Men's Development by Tillapaugh, Daniel
Men's Sexual Health: Fitness for Satisfying Sex by McCarthy, Barry W.
Mental Health and Academic Learning in Schools: Approaches for Facilitating the Wellbeing of Children and Young People. by Reupert, Andrea
Soldout Mental Health and Well-being Interventions in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice by Breslin, Gavin
Mental Health and Well-being Interventions in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice by Breslin, Gavin
Mentalization-Based Treatment for Adolescents: A Practical Treatment Guide by Rossouw, Trudie
Mentor Texts: Teaching Writing Through Children's Literature, K-6 by Cappelli, Rose
Mentoring Children and Young People for Social Inclusion: Global Approaches to Empowerment by Prieto-Flores, Ã’scar
Mentoring Teachers: Supporting Learning, Wellbeing and Retention by Malderez, Angi
Merchants of Death: A Study of the International Armament Industry by Engelbrecht, H. C.
Mergers and Acquisitions: The Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries by Thomas, Mark
Metacognition and Education: Future Trends by Larkin, Shirley
Metacognition and Study Skills: A Guide for Teachers by Firth, Jonathan
Metaethics: An Introduction by Fisher, Andrew
Metafiction: The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction by Waugh, Patricia
Metalheads: Heavy Metal Music And Adolescent Alienation by Arnett, Jeffrey
Metalinguistic Awareness and Second Language Acquisition by Roehr-Brackin, Karen
Metalinguistic Awareness and Second Language Acquisition by Roehr-Brackin, Karen
Metaphor and Persuasion in Strategic Communication: Sustainable Perspectives by Ferrari, Federica
Metaphors of Mental Illness in Graphic Medicine by Saji, Sweetha
Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction by Loux, Michael J.
Metaphysics: An Introduction by Ney, Alyssa
Metaphysics: Contemporary Readings: 2nd Edition by Loux, Michael
Metaphysics: The Basics by Rea, Michael
Methodological Issues in Psychology: Concept, Method, and Measurement by Trafimow, David
Methods for Facilitating Adult Learning: Strategies for Enhancing Instruction and Instructor Effectiveness by Coryell, Joellen E.
Methods of the Policy Process by Weible, Christopher M.
Metropolitan Transport and Land Use: Planning for Place and Plexus by Levinson, David M.
Mexican History: A Primary Source Reader by E. Jaffary, Nora
Michael Chekhov and Sanford Meisner: Collisions and Convergence in Actor Training by Deshpande Hutchinson, Anjalee
Michael Fried and Philosophy: Modernism, Intention, and Theatricality by Abbott, Mathew
Michelangelo by Hibbard, Howard
Micro-trauma: A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Cumulative Psychic Injury by Crastnopol, Margaret
Microeconomics: The Basics by Sadler, Thomas R.
Middle Leadership in Schools: A Practical Guide for Leading Learning by Grootenboer, Peter
Middle School Makeover: Improving the Way You and Your Child Experience the Middle School Years by Icard, Michelle
Mies at Home: From Am Karlsbad 24 to the Tugendhat House by Xiong, Xiangnan
Mightier than the Sword: How the News Media Have Shaped American History by Streitmatter, Rodger
Migrants, Refugees, and the Media: The New Reality of Open Societies by Krishna-Hensel, Sai Felicia
Migrating Genders: Westernisation, Migration, and Samoan Fa'afafine by Schmidt, Johanna
Migration in Africa: Shifting Patterns of Mobility from the 19th to the 21st Century by De Haas, Michiel
Migration Theory: Talking across Disciplines by Brettell, Caroline B.
Mike Bartlett by Boles, William C.
Milestones in African Literature by Falola, Toyin
Milestones in Dance History by Tai Soon Burgess, Dana
Milestones in Musical Theatre by Lodge, Mary Jo
Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe by Drews, Robert
Military Logistics and Strategic Performance by Kane, Thomas M.
Millennials and Conflict in the Workplace: Understand the Unique Traits of the Now Generation by Pearce Lemay, Cynthia
Milton's Creation: A Guide through Paradise Lost by Blamires, Harry
Milton: Paradise Lost by Fowler, Alastair
Mimesis and Alterity: A Particular History of the Senses by Taussig, Michael
Mindful Communication: Speaking and Listening with Wisdom and Compassion by Koster, Frits
Mindful Educational Leadership: Contemplative, Cognitive, and Organizational Systems and Practices by Kruse, Sharon D.
Mindful Strategies for Helping College Students Manage Stress: A Guide for Higher Education Professionals by Dye, Lacretia
Mindfulness-Based Substance Abuse Treatment for Adolescents: A 12-Session Curriculum by Himelstein, Sam
Mindfulness: Diverse Perspectives on its Meaning, Origins and Applications by Williams, J. Mark G.
Minding the South by Reed, John Shelton
Mindsets for Parents: Strategies to Encourage Growth Mindsets in Kids by Ricci, Mary Cay
Mindsets in the Classroom: Building a Growth Mindset Learning Community by Ricci, Mary Cay
Mindsets in the Classroom: Building a Growth Mindset Learning Community by Ricci, Mary Cay